
California Highway Patrol Captain Arnold Hardy’s life is a story of duty, sacrifice and drive to move family—and community—forward. First, it was his grandparents, raising him here in Sacramento on a diesel mechanic’s pay. It was modest living, but an atmosphere rich in character building.

Then, it was his own family, becoming a dad in college while having a job, playing football at the University of California, Davis, and numerous times taking a baby to lectures. Arnold went from graduating college to the CHP Academy, became a patrolman, then commuted between Sacramento and the Bay Area to be present for his kids.

Since then, Captain Hardy’s assignments within the department have included combatting identity theft, reducing Central Valley highway accidents and deaths involving commercial trucks (brought down incidents by 20% in just two years), managing $30 million program budgets, and leading CHP’s engagement on autonomous vehicles in North America.

As a single dad, Captain Hardy worked to give his kids structure and security, and put them on a track to succeed. Now, Brennin Hardy is a Baylor University grad and Mechanical Engineer at Callaway Golf. Cherrish Hardy is currently earning her doctorate degree at the University of California, Irvine. Arnold Hardy Jr. is a college graduate and distinguished leader in his chosen field.

Captain Arnold Hardy is also a cancer survivor, who has regularly volunteered to coach youth athletics, has helped lead the CHP “CHiP’s for Kids Toy Drive” and volunteered at local schools.